Thinking About Changing Your Job to Hospitality Management?

There can be multiple reasons a person wants to think about changing a job including:

  • I’ve gained all the experience possible in my current job
  • The company culture in my current employment doesn’t suit my way of working
  • I want to broaden my experience
  • I’m unhappy with the work I’m doing
  • There are no promotion prospects in my current job
  • I want a change of career and Hospitality Management looks like a great opportunity

Making a Decision is Tough
Before you make a decision to leave your job, take time to analyze your situation. Talk things through with someone and write your thoughts down so that you can remind yourself of your reasoning. Be clear about the exact decision that you are trying to make – what are the implications? Gather relevant, reliable and objective information about yourself and your career options. Make a list of reasons for leaving. Be honest and specific. Make a list of reasons for staying or positive things about the job. Include things that you have learned about yourself and the job and skills that you have developed.

Make a list of what you want to get from your job, such as more challenges, greater flexibility to fit in with family responsibilities etc. and review this with what demands will be placed upon you in the hospitality industry.

Evaluating Your Reasons
Look carefully at your reasons for leaving, and reasons for staying. If the reasons to leave outweigh the reasons to stay, you could justify leaving. Alternatively, you still might feel that leaving doesn’t feel right.

Some people make decisions quickly because they like things decided, but they don’t always take the time to consider all the options and can make the wrong decision. Other people hate making decisions as they think a decision shuts off other possibilities. Evaluate your reasons for a few days. Make an interim decision. If the decision feels right, go with it. If not perhaps you need to look at your options again.

Making the Final Decision
Before making a final decision, discuss your concerns with someone who can be objective, and who knows enough about your situation and the job market to tell you what they think. This could be a:

  • Relative
  • Friend
  • Colleague
  • Former employer
  • School Career adviser

If you’re still not sure what you want to do, perhaps you need more information. Try to identify what is stopping you from making a decision and work from there.

What Are Your Options?
I’m going to stay in this job a bit longer because I haven’t been here long and it might look bad on my resume if I change jobs again. The job market is unstable at the moment. I can take evening classes to improve my prospects, or…

I’m going to leave this job to look for a new job in Hospitality possibly going back to school for my management degree or entering a company-sponsored hospitality management training course.

Changing Careers, Not Jobs
Never consider a move to the hospitality industry – or any move to a new area – as merely a job change. This is a life-changing decision that needs careful thought and help from others – friends, family and professional guidance – so you can make the correct decisions.

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