Ambitious, always looking-to-the-future professionals can do well obtaining a hospitality management degree in order to run the entire show at large and small hotels – as well as other guest-oriented lodging and entertainment facilities such as resorts and health spas. There are many aspects involved in the details concerning management of certain facilities that depend upon size where large ones may offer banquet or ballroom services that can accommodate large business meetings, corporate conventions, wedding receptions as well as a variety of other types of gatherings where different kinds of hospitality services are needed. An individual who obtains a professional hospitality management degree does well to prepare themselves to oversee operations in many of these facilities.
Hey, Innkeeper
There are quite a few different aspects about the hospitality trade that individuals need to learn in order to become an effective hotel manager. Depending upon what area you wish to concentrate upon will dictate the type of instruction you’ll need to receive. For example, you may want to be involved in the travel and tourism industry which, obviously, caters to travelers who are using your facility for rest and relaxation. You may want to concentrate on hospitality management skills related to the food service industry when it comes to the catering of food, banquet management, food and beverage management as well as wedding and event planning. Your course of study will include classes that provide instruction in reservations and guest services, human resource management, communication, psychology, event coordinating other service-related activities that are necessary to provide a first-class facility for your visitors and guests.
Degree Choices
Although the term “Hospitality Management” is universal, it is also quite broad. There are some courses of study that are designed leading to a degree that is quite specific like a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM). This is a course of study that will take you three to four years to complete but offers a great level of management education. Professionals seeking to further their careers, as well as their education, can avail themselves of study for a Master of Science in Hospitality Management as well as an Executive Master of Science in Hospitality Management. As mentioned earlier, there are short-term certificate courses that offer training in specific areas of hospitality management such as food and beverage as well as restaurant management along with areas like front office supervisor and reservations management.
Choose Accreditation
It does not matter what is your choice for a course of study – whether online or in the traditional brick-and-mortar real-world of real-time go-to-school education – you should make sure that what you do choose has the right credentials and is authorized through and accreditation process. Once you begin your search for specific courses of study, you’re going to find many available. There is everything out there from short, yet specific designed and highly subject focused, certificate courses all the way through to graduate level degree programs.
Accreditation is Prestigious
The number one reason you should be seeking education through an accredited institution is that these facilities are singled out due to their reputation for maintaining high quality standards of learning. Schools offering hospitality management degree programs voluntarily submit to inspections on a periodic basis where evaluation of staff and faculty, as well as the school’s teaching equipment, use of technology and other areas such as testimonial from successful graduates along with graduation rates play a large part toward determining accreditation. The schools work hard to obtain this type of recognition because it’s important to them economically trying to attract people like you looking to pay to obtain a great education. A good place to check for a school’s credentials is the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools. You can be sure that a school with official accreditation is going to provide you an excellent education, especially if they are listed with the U.S. Department of Education. Another good source for checking on a school’s credentials is the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
Limit your search to accredited institutions so you know that you will find the best hospitality management course of study possible helping you achieve both your personal as well as professional goals.