Now That You Have a Hospitality Management Degree, What’s Next?

If you’re thinking about majoring in hospitality management you’re probably wondering, “Where do hospitality management graduates work?” The fact is that there are many different careers in the hospitality management field; many of them you probably have never thought of before. The hospitality industry includes everything from movie theatres and museums tours to restaurants and five-star hotels to cruise ships and resorts. Hospitality is the biggest industry in the world, and in many countries it is the main source of income.

Customers are Your Management Focus
If you are going to work in HM you will be responsible for managing a team and ensuring that customers are able to enjoy their leisure time. You will need to get a degree in hospitality first, which you can do at a traditional college campus or an online university. There are certificate programs as well as associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s degrees that can help you build a career in this industry – it all depends on how far you want to go. Some people are also able to work their way up through the ranks without getting a degree, but this can require many years of very low pay and missed opportunities along the way. Most experts agree it is best to get at least a bachelor’s degree and get some experience working entry-level jobs in the industry while you’re in school.

Career Choices are Many
The career choices in the HM field are plentiful. You could work as a hotel manager, either managing an entire hotel or managing a department within a very large hotel, which typically requires at least a bachelor’s degree in hospitality management or business. Event planning is another popular career choice, which could involve event and public relations planning for everything from weddings and anniversaries to charity events and corporate functions. Other HM careers include work as travel agents, cruise ship directors and managers for restaurants, resorts, spas and other leisure-related businesses.

Work Anywhere and Everywhere
Hospitality management graduates can find work all over the world or stay close to home. There are career opportunities in tropical locations, major metropolitan centers and quaint country settings – it all depends on where you want your career to take you. The hospitality industry is expected grow by five percent during the coming decade. The industry employs a large number of managers who typically do not stay in these jobs for very long. The need to replace these managers creates job opportunities in an array of different industry needs as well as locations.

Wage Earnings are Great
Median annual wages for lodging managers were $45,800 in May 2008. The middle 50 percent earned between $34,970 and $62,880. A large part of hospitality management is food service. Here, qualified managers can expect to earn an average annual salary of $46,320. The middle 50 percent earned between $36,670 and $59,580. Employment for managers in the gaming industry continues to rise faster than any other average occupation and is expected to grow an additional 14 percent in the coming decade. Qualified gaming managers earn from $45,500 to $68,900 annually.

So, with your newly earned hospitality manager’s degree, you will find a vast amount of opportunities throughout many desired locations where you can out to use your acquired education and skills.

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  1. I recently obtained my b. diploma from a renowned entity in the industry. I am not mentioning names as I do not want my perception to be necessarily associated with the organization.

    My point is: I wish someone would have come along 4 years ago and slapped me damn silly for choosing this field. This industry is not something you go into because you think you might like it, do that and its a COMPLETE waste of time (my case in point).

    Be absolutely sure you want a career in this under-appreciated, competitive, cold, pointless field, where all employees think they are doing an amazing job and artificially rise their importance level when in all fairness they are not adding any grate value to society.

    Don’t think I can make my point clear but the idea is that if you are not 100% sure and determined to work in this industry then you will see all it’s short-comings from an employee’s stand point.

    1. I wish I had read this 4 years ago…after spending a fortune plus years of studying to get my degree I can now only find work in the sector which pays national minimum wage. The shifts are long 12-14 hours per day 5 days per week. Kiss goodbye to your friends, daylight, your weekends, normal functional relationships, your sanity and of course your freedom. I now realise I want out, now I feel it’s too late. I’m 21 and have worked in hospitality for a couple of years and now do not know which direction I can go in. Do you have any advice for me please? SL

  2. I am a fresh graduate with an HND in Hospitality Management from Federal Polytechnic Bida, Niger State, Nigeria. I do not have any formal experience yet except of course from the normal 4months Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) and One year Industrial Training (IT). I have a new thing that drives me in the industry and that is the fittings and fixtures of the establishments its self. For Example; the hotels, restaurants, coffee shops and so on. Please I need advise.

  3. I have a bachelor degree in Hospitality management, but only have experience in the restaurant field, but want a job in the hotel industry

    1. Easy fix! Apply for Restaurant supervisor positions within the major players (Marriott, Hilton, Hyatt). That’s your “in.”

      1. Are you sure?I am trying at this hotels since ages using their employment websites such as starwood.Their requirements is very high and we always found a response like we have selected a better candidate than you .When i completed my diploma at hospitality ,i faced the same problem and further my study to Bachelor level at one of the recognised australian institute and have nearly a year experience at hospitality industry.If that is their requirement,how is it possible for fresh graduate to enter this industry with limited experience?Even management trainee positions being rejected simply like that.